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What makes ceramic electric radiators so efficient?

4th May 2022


As a heating source, electric has many advantages – it’s reliable, sustainable, and easily transmissible. Among its slew of benefits is its superb efficiency – it boasts an impressive 100% across the board at point of use. Ceramic radiators combine the effectiveness of electric with the robust, heat-locking properties of ceramic stone, resulting in a form of heating which excels on the efficiency front – making them a welcome addition to a variety of locales. But, what is it that makes them so efficient?

What do we mean when we talk about efficiency?

Efficiency is all about how well a product performs in relation to the amount of waste it generates in the process. A product that works well, but produces a large amount of waste, is not considered efficient, and vice versa. The trick is finding that balance between a well-running product which generates manageable amounts of waste – and finding that sweet spot can be a rarer occurrence than you may imagine.

When choosing a heating source for a property, efficiency is of the utmost importance, as it guarantees you’re getting the most out of what you’re putting into it. In this blog, we’ll be detailing how ceramic radiators come top of the class when it comes to these three areas of efficiency:

  • Cost: How much do you get for your money?
  • Environment: What is their impact on the environment?
  • Time: How practical are they, do they save time?

Why ceramic electric radiators are so efficient


Ceramic is a type of stone that famously deals well with heat. It’s why it’s so often used in cookware and hair styling tools – it can withstand very high temperatures. Additionally, ceramic is a porous material, which means there’s little pockets of air trapped inside its molecular structure. These pockets act as insulators when the stone is heated, which is great at slowing down heat loss.

When a ceramic radiator is heated up, the stones inside the unit lock in heat. When the unit is switched off at the wall, the heat doesn’t cut off harshly – it gradually cools down, providing gentle warmth to the surrounding area. This makes ceramic radiators very cost-efficient, as users can benefit from that residual heat for a longer time than what they’ve technically paid for.



A ceramic electric radiator loaded with energy-saving features such as 24-7 programming and WiFi control will effortlessly keep running costs low, as it prevents any unnecessary electricity traveling to your radiator when it’s not needed. By setting a schedule that mirrors a specific routine, users can customise their heating to turn on and off exactly when it suits them. With the bonus of WiFi app control, this level of functionality can be achieved anywhere in the world when connected to the internet from a smart device.

Radiant heat

Ceramic electric radiators supply 50% of their heat through radiation, compared to normal electric radiators, which provide only a third of their heat through this method. Radiant heat is particularly durable, as it warms people directly rather than the air. It is not lost to airflow, like draughts or cold spots – so there is very little wastage, resulting in a very efficient form of heat.

Renewable energy

 Pairing a ceramic electric radiator with a renewable heat source or a green energy tariff ensures it is completely sustainable from beginning to end – meaning zero wastage or carbon impact.


When it comes to managing your properties, we know there’s more than just heating to think about. With ceramic electric radiators, installation and maintenance is so minimal, making the switch is sure to be a fuss-free experience.

Installation wise, ceramic electric radiators can be both plugged into an available socket or hardwired to the mains electricity. We recommend a hardwired installation if you’re kitting out a whole property with electric radiators. If the radiator is going in a specific location, like a conservatory or an extension, plug-in installation is an option, and is the most time efficient method.

Ceramic electric radiators require no annual maintenance checks – great news for your diary and testament to their superb manufacturing. All that’s required is a quick dusting with a dry cloth every now and again to keep the unit looking pristine.

Ceramic electric radiators: the Ecostrad Ecowarme

If all the above seems appealing, the Ecostrad Ecowarme may just be the ceramic radiator to take your property’s heating up that much-needed notch. Manufactured to industry-leading standards, this German electric radiator comprises the heat-locking abilities of ceramic stone in a robust, traditional fluted steel frame. Here’s three reasons it could be right for you:

  • State of the art control panel, including 24/7 programming
  • Available in vertical or horizontal and anthracite or white
  • Feet can be purchased separately to allow the unit to be freestanding

Are ceramic electric radiators right for my property?

Ceramic electric radiators excel in their ability to produce long-lasting heat that can be relied upon every single time. Combining the well-renowned heat retention benefits of ceramic stone with modern smart technology, ceramic electric radiators offer a heating solution that effortlessly keeps running costs, energy usage and effort to an absolute minimum, without sacrificing on performance.