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What is the most efficient way to heat a holiday home?

June 22, 2022

Heating a holiday home presents unique challenges. Some properties may be used all year-round but only for a few days a week. Others may see constant turnover during peak holiday season but left uninhabited over winter. With a revolving door of guests, all with their own preferences and routines, the question of efficiency matters. But with efficiency comes other aspects to consider: a holiday home needs to have a heating system that’s flexible, convenient, and capable of instant response. That’s what all Ecostrad products offer – but with our extensive range, which type of heating is the most efficient for holiday homes?

Infrared heaters

Infrared heaters are a main contender when it comes to efficiency. Converting electricity into radiant heat, this type of heater provides directional warmth: wherever it’s pointed is where the heat will go. Unlike convection heaters, infrared doesn’t rely on the air to create its warmth. It not only helps to make the room feel less dry but means heat isn’t easily lost to draughts.

With wall and ceiling mounting options, infrared offers a flexible alternative to traditional heating solutions, providing comfortable all-day warmth that can be felt long after the appliance has been turned off. As every watt of energy is converted into usable heat, infrared heaters allow for 100% efficiency at point of use.

Main benefits of heating a holiday home with infrared heaters

  • 100% radiant heat – Infrared converts electricity into 100% radiant heat, transferring warmth to people and surfaces directly. The far infrared technology of infrared panels is best suited for all-day use – maintaining a comfortable, soothing temperature that is felt on a deeper level.
  • Keeps damp at bay – Its warmth sinks deep into the walls of the property, preventing moisture from setting and minimising damp and mould formation.
  • Adaptable and discreet mounting options – DIY-friendly installation on the wall or ceiling, for effective heat dispersion that doesn’t take away from the interior’s styling.
  • Customisable programming – Take advantage of short-range control with the point & click remote or pair with an external thermostat that suits the property’s overall heating system.
  • Intelligent heating – Infrared heaters with smart control allow for a more enhanced experience for guests via app and voice control, and allows the owner to remotely check on the heating whenever the property has been left vacant.
  • Low maintenance – With no moving parts or liquids, infrared heaters require no mandatory maintenance.

Our recommended infrared heater: Opus iQ

The Opus iQ is part of our infrared panel range offering intelligent programming, for unparalleled heat management. Via WiFi app control, the Opus can be controlled from afar, with full access to energy consumption and other energy-saving features. The Opus iQ is fitted with a precision digital thermostat accurate to 0.5°C, so temperatures can be gauged and maintained to a fraction of a degree – ensuring no energy is used unnecessarily.  

Suitable for DIY-installation, the Opus iQ can be fitted with minimal effort, avoiding time-consuming and costly callouts. Its slimline body is just 25mm deep, making this infrared panel the perfect option for discreet heating in holiday homes, with ceiling mounting especially useful as it won’t interrupt the property’s design scheme. With a patented fire-resistant coating to increase heat conduction and insulated with a layer of polyurethane to prevent heat loss, the Opus iQ is unmatched when it comes to safe and efficient heating.

Smart electric radiators

Smart electric radiators use a combination of convection and radiation to supply highly responsive yet lasting warmth. Convection uses the air to transfer heat, creating a current that constantly circulates warmth around the room. This allows for quick heat-up times, making them perfect as both a top-up heater and a primary heat source for holiday homes.

Smart radiators allow complete control over appliances through an app on your smart device. WiFi app and voice commands mean smart electric radiators bypass the limitations of manual control, with a wealth of energy-saving and cost-cutting features that can be accessed instantly from anywhere in the world.

Main benefits of heating a holiday home with smart electric radiators

  • Flexible programming – Guest needs can be accommodated via WiFi app and voice control to make spontaneous adjustments.
  • Independent heating – Like infrared heaters, electric radiators aren’t connected to pipes or plumbing so can be programmed individually or on a room-by-room basis, minimising energy waste and reducing running costs.
  • Quick heat-up times – Convected heat allows for optimal temperatures to be reached quickly, for a more responsive experience.
  • Low maintenance – With no moving parts or the risk of carbon monoxide leaks, there’s no need for professional callouts or servicing.
  • Energy-saving features – Utilise all energy-saving features for ultimate, on-demand heat: pair the adaptive start function with 24/7 scheduling for prime temperatures as soon as guests walk through the door. Enable eco mode with open window detection for optimal efficiency during peak holiday season.
  • Greater variety – Electric radiators come in designer, traditional and contemporary designs – allowing a more seamless integration with the property’s decor.

Our recommended smart electric radiator: iQ Ceramic

The iQ Ceramic is our smartest electric radiator yet. Optimised for maximum efficiency, it combines the quick heat-up times of a convection heater and the long-lasting warmth of infrared. With a ceramic stone core, the iQ Ceramic boasts superior heat retention and distribution to standard electric radiators.

The iQ Ceramic comes with autonomous functions as part of its programming. While it’s not ideal to set a permanent heating schedule for a regular stream of guests, the iQ Ceramic’s motion sensor mode works around this by activating only when it detects movement. Changing back to its energy-saving heating mode when there’s no longer people in the room, this efficiently bypasses rigid heat scheduling, and it doesn’t require a WiFi connection to apply. With an ultra-slim and lightweight housing, the iQ Ceramic can be DIY-installed on the wall or used as a portable heater, making this an incredibly flexible option to suit every type of guest.

Ecostrad Ecosystem app: what you need for ultimate efficiency

The Ecostrad Ecosystem app is the essential addition to all of Ecostrad’s WiFi-compatible infrared heaters and smart electric radiators. Designed and developed in-house, the app was built to take our products to the next level. Simplifying the heat management process, Ecostrad Ecosystem streamlines energy usage and cuts down on heating costs by offering the user full transparency over their heating. Particularly ideal for properties like holiday homes that aren’t used for personal heating – Ecostrad Ecosystem allows all heaters to be accessed from a single point of use, with instant adjustments possible on the easy-to-follow interface.

Main benefits of the Ecostrad Ecosystem app

  • Zoned heating – Ecosystem allows users to group infrared heaters and electric radiators together and assign zones. Program unique settings for each room in your holiday home to help save energy and reduce running costs.
  • Heating modes – Properties can have their heaters set to one of three heating modes including Anti-Frost – especially useful for uninhabited lots during the winter months.
  • Shared access – The same account can be accessed on multiple smart devices. Guests can be given more freedom towards heat management, while the property owner has full clarity of schedules, heating boosts and energy usage while signed into Ecosystem.
  • Ultimate control – Changes made on Ecosystem will bypass any manual adjustments made to the heater. That way, whether a holiday home is using infrared panels or electric radiators, the Ecostrad Ecosystem app has the final say over settings. For ultimate convenience, these changes can be made from anywhere with a WiFi connection – not just when in the vicinity.

Heat your holiday home with Ecostrad

No matter occupancy patterns, guest preferences or seasonal changes, infrared heaters and smart electric radiators paired with the Ecostrad Ecosystem app are the answer to efficient heating in holiday homes. Combine Ecostrad heaters with a renewable tariff or energy source for efficiency on an even deeper level – decreasing heating costs and helping the UK cut down on carbon emissions for a greener future.

Find your local wholesaler or visit our partner site Electric Radiators Direct to shop our full range today.